Jamalpur Zilla Samity USA Inc.

Founded 1995

Current Events

Picnic 2022

September 5th 2022, Labor Day

Heckscher State Park

1 Heckscher State Parkway, East Islip, NY 11730

Jamalpur Zilla samity USA Inc. is going to celebrate their annual picnic "PICNIC 2022" at Heckscher State Park, Long Island on September 5th 2022. All Jamalpurian are residing in the United states are welcome to join this exciting picnic event of the year. We have arrangements for buses and cars. Please let us know as soon as possible if you will need any ride to the picnic.

Picnic Attractions

Sports Events

13 events for children and adults

With attractive prizes for all winners

Live Music Concert


Trishna Tithi

Md. Hasan Arif

Ishrat Shormi

Raffle Contest

More than 10 prizes

1st prize: $1000 cash

2nd prize: Gold chain

3rd prize: Laptop

...and more

Picnic 2022 Convening Committee

Convenor: Md. Abu Bakar Siddik 917-519-1151

Member Secretary: Md. Khurshad Alam 917-832-2030

Member: Saiful Islam 347-538-2268

Member: Nur-E Alam Siddiki 347-393-2447

Member: Md. Anis Mia 718-965-8665

Disclaimer: jamalpur.org © is solely owned and designed by Jamalpur Zilla Samity USA Inc. President Khondker Maruf. This is a service provided by President Khondker Maruf and the President keeps all the rights to manage and maintain the website and also keeps the rights to make any change to this website at any time.